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Rivet 2.5.1 release

Rivet 2.5.1 is now available. This release makes accessibility updates to the hero, quote, and switch components.

Scott Anthony Murray

Jul 24, 2023

Rivet version 2.5.1 is now available. This release makes accessibility updates to the hero, quote, and switch components.

Hero eyebrow text case update #

This release updates the “eyebrow” element of the hero component to use sentence case text rather than uppercase text.

This adjustment is intended to help improve the legibility of eyebrow text.

Quote font style update #

This release updates the quote component to use a normal font style rather than italicized text.

Similar to the update to the hero component, this change is intended to help make quote text more legible.

Switch ARIA label attributes #

This release updates the markup of the switch component to include an aria-label attribute. This attribute provides an accessible name describing what behavior the switch controls.

Your existing switch components will continue to work without the aria-label attribute. However, you’re encouraged to add an aria-label attribute to each instance of the switch component in your project as soon as you’re able.

Complete list of updates #

For a complete list of updates made in version 2.5.1, see the Rivet changelog.

Leaving feedback #

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