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Display a person's picture or initials

Overview #

Use the avatar component to display a person’s picture or initials with a rounded border.

Avatars are often used on people directories and profile pages. They also appear alongside quotations and in web application headers to show the identity of the logged-in user.

Examples #

<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--xs">
<img class="rvt-avatar__image" src="" alt="">

<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--sm">
<img class="rvt-avatar__image" src="" alt="">

<div class="rvt-avatar">
<img class="rvt-avatar__image" src="" alt="">

<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--md">
<img class="rvt-avatar__image" src="" alt="">

<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--lg">
<img class="rvt-avatar__image" src="" alt="">

<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--xl">
<img class="rvt-avatar__image" src="" alt="">
<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--xs">
<span class="rvt-avatar__text">XS</span>

<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--sm">
<span class="rvt-avatar__text">SM</span>

<div class="rvt-avatar">
<span class="rvt-avatar__text">RG</span>

<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--md">
<span class="rvt-avatar__text">MD</span>

<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--lg">
<span class="rvt-avatar__text">LG</span>

<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--xl">
<span class="rvt-avatar__text">XL</span>
<div class="rvt-avatar rvt-avatar--xl-md-up">
<img class="rvt-avatar__image" src="" alt="">

Usage #


  • Use to show someone's picture as part of a profile, quotation, or header identity module
  • Use with .jpg, .png, or .webp images


  • Use a non-square avatar image
  • Use different avatar sizes in the same list of people

Accessibility #

  • Use an empty alt attribute. You do not need to use the person’s name or initials as the value of the avatar’s alt attribute.